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Welcome to the first international online Apollo 3 fan community

Orbit 3 is an social community for Apollo 3 fans from all countries. You will find here informations, pictures, news and fans of Apollo 3. You can find friends who like Apollo 3 just like you do. You can write blogs, discuss in the forums, upload pictures to the public galleries or just see what other fans are saying.

To read more about Apollo 3, click here.

If you want to become a member of the Orbit 3 community, click here. Then you can help collecting pictures and news together with the other members.

If you want to see what you can find on Orbit 3, click here.

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Latest News

Fanvideo Contest for "2010"

For the song "2010" Apollo 3 is collecting videos from their fans till 31.05.10. The official video clip for the song 2010 will be build from these videos.

You can submit own music clips, video snippets or other video contributions for the song 2010 and also get a price.

The first two winners will go to the casting for Teufelskicker 2.

Eloneevep's picture

Robertpoge's picture

AntonUploaxNop's picture